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Monday, 21 October 2013

Group Policy - How to Add Internet Favorites via Group Policy with Internet Explorer 10

This is a guide on how to add Internet Explorer Favorites via Group Policy when you have clients with Internet Explorer 10.

Open Group Policy Management MMC


From a Windows 2008 and above server open the Group Policy Management MMC.

Create a Group Policy


From the left hand pane, right click on Group Policy Objects and choose New

Name the Policy


In this instance we will name the Policy Internet Favorites

Edit the Policy


The Policy will now appear in the left pane and we can right click on this and choose Edit.

Create a Folder for the Favorites


Expand the User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings down to Folders. On the Folders option right click and choose New, Folder.

Folder Configuration


In the Path field we can enter the location for the folder, this should be the variable %FavoritesDir%\OurFolderName. Click OK to create.

Create a Shortcut for a URL


Expand the User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings, Shortcuts and right click to choose New Shortcut. Next set the Action to Create, the Name of the Shortcut in the format of our Favorites folder name from the above step and the name of the Favorite, so OurFolderName\OurFavorite

In the Target Type choose URL and in the Location choose Explorer Favorites.

In the Target URL enter the URL for the Web Site you wish to publish.

How to set a Favorite to a specfic Organisation Unit in Active Directory


Often we will want to show one Favorite to one person in a OU and another to someone else in a different OU, this can be done in Group Policy with Item Level Targeting. To set these options choose the Common Tab in the object and then seletc Item-level targeting and choose the Targeting button.

Create a Targeting Rule


This Window allows you to create targeting rules based on multiple criteria, in this case we want to make a decision based on the users OU. Choose New Item, Organizational Unit.

Editing Target Rule


The rule now shows that if a user belongs to a OU then they will have this shortcut apply, to select the OU choose the button marked ...

Find OU


From the Active Directory lookup choose the OU for the users.

Updated Target Rule


The OU is now selected and the target rule is updated.



You can now see the Shortcut is created for the Google Home Page.

Assign Group Policy to Active Directory


In the Group Policy Tree we want this Group Policy to apply to the entire Domain so right click on the top of the tree and choose Link and Existing GPO

Choose the GPO


From the list choose your GPO

Policy is Assigned


You can now see the GPO is assigned to the Domain and will now take affect.

Friday, 13 September 2013

2X Thin Client - PXE boot NBP is too big to fit into free base memory

Having problems with a PXE Boot image that caused this error.

PXE Error


When you start the PXE Boot you are shown this error message

NBP is too big to fit in free base memory

DHCP Setting


The issue is found in the DHCP Settings, you cannot load an IMG file straight into a PXE boot. The above image shows that the IMG file is being attempted to be loaded by the PXE boot. This will fail as it is too large to load at PXE boot.

PXE Boot File


The file you need to load is the PXE Boot file that then calls the IMG file you want to boot from. In this case I was using the 2X Thin Client and this has a PXELINUX.0 file in the TFTP root.

Update DHCP Option 67


In your DHCP config, update Option 67 to read the PXELINUX.0 file instead of the IMG file location.

Restart PXE Boot


Now when you start the PXE boot you will see that the PXELINUX.0 boots and then loads the IMG file correctly.

2X Thin Client


Now the 2X Thin Client boots as expected.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Outlook 2013 List Pane is Blank

After a Windows Update you notice your List Pane in Outlook 2013 is blank.

Blank Pane Problem

When you try to use the List Pane you can see it is blank and it is covering the lower pane list for Mail, Calendar and People.

Which Update caused this?

The Update that causes the problem is found here.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

How to move a user from a Parent Domain to a Child Domain with PowerShell

If you have a situation where you need to move a Active Directory object from a Parent Domain to a Child Domain you will find you cannot do this with the Active Dirrectory MMC.  You need Power Shell.

Here is the Power Shell for the task

move-AdObject -Identity"CN=HotChilli,OU=Overseas,OU=Staff,OU=Users,OU=daveshotsauce,DC=daveshotsauce,DC=Local" -TargetPath "OU=US,DC=us,DC=daveshotsauce,DC=local" -TargetServer ""

Friday, 9 August 2013

How To - How to customise a a Service Case Field

This guide shows how to amend a field in a CRM Case, in this instance it is the Type field in Case Details

Choose Settings


Select the Settings option



From the Customization menu, choose Customizations.

Customize the System


Choose the Customize the System option



Expand the Entities option and then choose Case and expand



Select the Field option and then check the field you wish to amend, then click Edit.

Field Options


In the lower left of the pane you can see the Field Type Options you are presented in the Service Case.

Create a Type


In the lower right pane, enter a value for the Type Label, the Value will increment by default. You can add a description if required.

Add Type


Click the green plus symbol to add the type to the field.

Publish Customization


Click Publish all Customizations to update the CRM with the changes.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Share Point 2013 - Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access to this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository.

You have errors in the event log relating to being unable to crawl your Share Point Site. This is because the Loop Back feature of Share Point has not been disabled, this issue is described here

Error Message in the Crawl Log


When you look in the Crawl Logs you can see the error listed for your Share Point Web Application.

Run PowerShell Script


You can disable the loopback feature with the PowerShell cmds

New-ItemProperty HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name "DisableLoopbackCheck" -Value "1" -PropertyType dword

Restart Share Point Server Search Service


Restart the Share Point Server Search Service 15 Service.

Start a new Crawl


In Share Point Central Administration, go to Crawling, Content Sources and then start a new crawl.

Crawl Success


You should now see your crawl has been successful.

Citrix - How to send CTRL ALT DEL to your session.

Press CTRL & F1


In a Citrix Session to produce the CTRL ALT DEL key combination, press CTRL & F1.

Choose Task Manager


Choose Start Task Manager.

Task Manager


You now have access to Task Manager and if you need to end a task that is not responding you can do so.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Small Business Server 2011 - Out Of Office Unavailable

Users report that they cannot set their Out Of Office, when you try to access EMC or EMS you are displayed with an error.

Out Of Office Error


The error message "Your automatic reply settings cannot be displayed because the server is currently unavailable." when a user tries to set their Out Of Office.

EMC and EMS Error


When you try to use the EMC or the EMS you are shown this error message that WinRM client cannot use Kerberos to connect to the local computer on port 80.

Cause of Error


The cause for this error is that there is a web site in IIS that is running on port 80 and as a result of this the Default Web Site cannot use port 80. Above you can see the Default Web Site has a ? symbol and the SharePoint - 80 site is stopped. I have stopped the SharePoint site as it was running on Port 80 and stopping the Default Web Site from running on this port. I then restarted the Default Web Site and I could access the EMC and EMS again.

Stop Site from Running on Port 80


In the Actions Pane on the right side choose the Bindings option.

Set Start Up of Site


Ensure the Start Automatically option is set to false so the site will not start automatically again.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Blackberry Server - User displays Failed to Start in BES Console

User does not receive emails on their Blackberry Handset and in the console they are showing as status Failed to Start.

Step 1 - Error Failed to Start


If you have Blackberry users who report that they have no emails on their handsets and you see the status Failed to Start in the console. Look at the event log for the following errors shown above.

Step 2 - Event Log


Check the Application event log for the errors 20400 and 20154. These relate to permission access to the users mailbox on a mailbox database. The cause is that you have a mailbox database that the Besadmin account does not have permissions to.

Step 3- Set Permissions for Besadmin to Mailbox Database


If you have Exchange 2010 then you have to set the permissions to the users mailbox database using Powershell. This is explained in this KB from Blackberry

Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -User "BESAdmin" -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin, ms-Exch-Store-Visible

Once this is issue, restart the Blackberry Server and the users will show as Running in the console.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Exchange 2010 - How to renew a SSL Certificate with DigiCert Part 2

Part 2 of how to install an SSL Certificate for Exchange 2010

Step 16 - Order


The order is now processing and will be available in the next 30 mins.

Step 17 - Download Certificate


When the Certificate is available choose the option to download the certificate, choose the right version for your Server Software.

Step 18 - Transfer CER file to Exchange Server


Transfer the CER file to the root of the Exchange Server.

Step 19 - Import CER file with Powershell


Import the CER file using the following Powershell cmd

Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path c:\mycert.cer -Encoding byte -ReadCount 0)) | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services "IIS,POP,IMAP,SMTP"

Step 20 - Check Certificates in use


Use the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmd to check the certificates installed, you will now see you have the renewed certificate and the old certificate. You now need to remove all the old expired certificates.

Step 21 - Confirm Renewed Certificate


Use the Get-ExchangeCertificate | FL cmd to show the certificate details and confirm the renewed certificate is installed as Valid and has the correct notAfter date.

Step 22 - Remove Expired Certificates


Use the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmd and find any certificate that has expired or is no longer required. Copy the Thumbprint to the clipboard.

Step 23 - Remove Certificate cmd


Enter the cmd to remove the certificate with the Thumbprint on the clipboard.

Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint Thumbprint

Step 24 Check Certificate on Service


Visit the Exchange Outlook Web App and check the certificate displayed is the renewed certificate.